Feed water pumps ЦНС
Feed water pumps ПЭ
Condensate pumps Кс
Condensate pumps КсВ
Condensate pumps КсД
Network pumps (СЭ)
General-purpose industrial pumps ЦН
General-purpose industrial pumps Д
Petroleum and oil-fired pumps 10НД-6*1, 8НД-10*5
Vacuum pumps ВВН
Vacuum pumps АВЗ
Vacuum pumps НВЗ
ВК type compressors
ОГШ type centrifuges
Suspended centrifuges
Filtering and settling peeler centrifuges of ФГН and ОГН type
Filtering reciprocating pusher discharge centrifuges
Tubular centrifuges
Sugar refining industryequipment
Beet-pulp press ПСЖН-68
Beet choppers СЦБ-12 (16), СЦ2Б-12 (16)
Beet pump Д4-ПНЦ3*20
Pumps СК (СКМ, СКО)
Gears to ВВН 2-150
Aggregate Borehole (ЭЦВ)
Aggregate chemical (ХБЕ)
* Our Company provides with opportunity to manufacture and deliver spare parts for any type of proposed equipment, as well as any other spare parts according to your drawings.