They are designed for separation of well-to-filter concentrated suspensions with coarse and medium crystalline solid phase, rapidly losing fluidity, with about 50% solid phase content.
They are also used for separation of suspensions with medium abrasive solid phase basically consisting of crystalline products (ammonium sulphate, copper sulphate, copper vitriol, sodium chloride, sodium nitrate, potash, carbamide, alum, sodiumsulphate), short-fibered materials (acetyl and ethyl cellulose, nitrocellulose) and amorphous products.
This type centrifuges are widely used in chemical, metallurgical, metal mining, sugar industries and other branches of industry.
The advantages of this type centrifuges are the following: design compactness, easy service, continuity of production process of suspension separation, possibility of sediment washing, high degree of drying, high efficiency, possibility to connect to automatic or continuous-action production lines.