НД pumps are designed for pumping of water, oil, oil products and other liquids similar to specified in physical and chemical properties. The main customers of pumps and units are companies of petrochemical industry and pipeline oil transportation companies.
10 НД-6х1
(on common welded plate, with assembled coupling)
Centrifugal, casing type — spiral, oil;
485 – nominal supply, m3/h;
54 – head, m;
Material – СЧ-20
(on pump welded plate, with assembled coupling).
Centrifugal, casing type — spiral, oil;300 – nominal supply, m3/h;
420 – head, m;
10 – modernization number;
Material – СЧ-20.
Let us inform you, that casing parts as per specification are tested under pressure specified in process documentation, pumps are also parametrically tested.
Connection sizes (branch pipes) were preserved as a result of development, spare parts to these pumps are interchangeable.
Hydraulic tests have shown that pump casings can withstand pressure specified in design documentation.
Parametric tests have shown expected results, pump provides necessary parameters specified in technical documentation.
Equipment is certifiedin Russian Federation.